Civil Engineering
- Preparation of Subdivision and Site Plans
- Grading and Utility Plans
- Drainage Analyses and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
- Floodplain Management
- Water Treatment, Supply and Distribution
- Sewage Collection, Treatment and Disposal
- Roadway Design
- Pond Dredging
- NYSDEC Phase II Compliance
- Construction Inspection and Contract Administration
Landscape Architecture
- Landscape Design
- Landscape and Planting Plans
- Streetscapes
Site and Environmental Planning
- Feasibility Studies
- Zoning Analysis
- Regulatory Compliance and Permitting
- SEQRA Compliance (Environmental Assessments and Impact Statements)
- Comprehensive and Master Plans
- Preparation of Zoning, Land Use and Environmental Regulations
- Land Conservation
Municipal Consulting
- Engineering, Planning and Wetland Consultation
- Peer Review of Building Department and Planning Board Land Development Applications
- Attendance at Board meetings
- Participation in Pre-application meetings
- Preparation of SEQRA Documents
- Preparation of Land Use Laws
- Capital Improvement Design (water, sewer, roadways, sidewalks, streetscapes, recreation, etc.)
- Construction Inspection and Administration
- Grant Writing
Wetland Consultation
- Wetland Delineations
- Wetland Functional Analysis
- Wetland Mitigation Plans
- Wetland, Stream, and Pond Restoration
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